jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

María Thursday 07/05/2020 17.15-18.15

Hello girls!!!!

Today we are going to translate a text. Hoy os toca poner esas cabecitas a trabajar y vamos a traducir el principio de un cuento. 😁
*Al final tenéis el vocabulario que podéis desconocer.
*No hace falta que copiéis el texto en inglés solo la traducción

Rufus, the Rabbit

Rufus was a mischievous little rabbit who lived with his mum in the country. His mum was very good with him. She made all the possible for him to have everything he needed. If the little rabbit was hungry, her mum went to look forcarrot. If he was thirsty, his mum went to the river and looked for water. In the morning, when Rufus had to go to school, his mum woke him up, prepared him the clothes and made him the breakfast.  

*mischievous - travieso
*went to look for - fue a buscar 
*looked for - buscaba

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