lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

Diego Monday 01/06/2020 16:15 - 17:15 & 17:15 - 18:15

Hey guys! hoy en el blog os voy a dejar la teoría que vimos el otro día sobre el Past Continuous para que le podáis echar un ojo cuando lo necesitéis (y para que lo reviséis cuando hagamos los ejercicios en clase).

  • We use Past Continuous to talk about actions that were in progress in the past.

I was sleeping at ten o’clock.
  • WHILE: We use it to talk about two actions that were in progress at the same time.

I was reading a book while she was sleeping.
  • WHEN: We use it to talk about actions that were in progress and interrupted by another action in the past.

When he called me, I was cooking.

Hoy os dejo solo esto, que ya sé que tenéis un montón de cosas del cole. Aprovechad para salir a la calle!! (pero con cuidadito). Nos vemos pronto chicos! 

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