martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

ÓSCAR, MAY 5th 2020, MJ 16:15 and 18:15

Hello guys,

¿Sabéis lo que son linkers and connectors? Sí, sí que lo sabéis. 'Link', como verbo significa unir y 'connector' significa conector.

Los linkers and connectors son aquellas palabras que sirven para conectar frases con la anterior. Así, os sonarán algunos como:

IF - SI (condicional)   If you study, you will pass the exam - Si estudias, aprobarás el examen-
ALSO - TAMBIÉN (va a mitad de frase)

Es importante conocer los conectores porque en hay muchos (I MEAN, A LOT) y son importantes para hablar y comunicarse fluidamente en inglés. Hay muchos tipos: de contraste (Although, in spite of - a pesar de), de consecuencia (For this reason - por esta razón), etc.

De la lista de arriba, intentad poner el conector correcto en cada frase.

1 . My sister has got six dolls _________two teddy bears.
2. I love your dress__________________it is beautiful.
3. __________we  read our lessons ___________we do our homework.
4. My best friend is eleven years old _________I am eleven years old___________ ;
5. _________ !! I don’t know the answer !
6. I want to go back home _______________I am very tired.
7. _________you work hard , you can get good marks at your tests.
8. Sam is from London,____________he is English.
9. My parents have got a Ford Fiesta___________they __________have got  a Fiat Uno.
10. ____________we can have hamburgers with chips, __________ice cream for desert
11.You must hurry up __________________ you are late !
12. My brother likes video games ___________he hates board games.
13. My dad can drive you to school this morning  _________you want,__________he can take you home ____________.
14. ___________we can visit the Eiffel Tower, ____________we can go to the Louvre , finally we can ______________go to the Picasso museum.
15. I have a lot of work these days ___________I can’t go to the cinema now.
16. __________you eat too much chocolate, you are going to be sick !
17. I can’t help you now __________________I must finish my homework.
18. « Do you know Mr Brown ? » - «  _________ , not really, ________________he is not my teacher.

19. _________James wants a mobile,  some money ________new clothes for Christmas.

En la próxima videollamada repasaremos algunas frases y connectors, seguiremos trabajando en algo de pronunciación y el listening.

See you then!

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