lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

María Monday 04/05/2020 19.15-20.15

Hello guys, how are you doing?

For today's class we are going to study the homophones. Do you know what are they? 

Recall that homophones are words that sound the same, but have different meanings. For example, a bear is a large, hairy animal. Your feet can be bare if you have no shoes on them. A dog or other creature can bare its teeth to show you it is ready to fight. Sometimes homophones can be easy to mix up, so it’s important to check and make sure your words make sense when you edit your writing.


How many members of a convent does it take to change a light bulb?

  1. Choose the correct answer (a, b or c) in sentences 1 -10.

1. It's hard to say ­­­­_____­____ to people you love.
(a) buy                             (b) bye                             (c) by

2. Bus _________ are going up again.
(a) fairs                            (b) farres                          (c) fares

3. Couples planning their weddings can get ____________ from married friends.
(a) advice                         (b)  advise                        (c) advisee

4. When you buy a product, remember to take a _______________ .
(a) recipe                         (b)  receipt                       (c) recept

5. The bird ­­­__________ out of the window.
(a) flu                               (b) flew                             (c)flue

6. She worries too much about her ____________ line.
(a) waist                           (b) waste                          (c)waiste

7. I remember when I was so broke, I didn't have a ___________ to my name.
(a) sent                            (b)  scent                         (c) cent

8. When the ______________ is warm, people spend more time outside.
(a) weather                       (b) whether                       (c)wheather

9. Mars is _______________ cold to permit liquid water to remain on the surface.
(a) to                                (b) two                             (c) too

10. Dolphins can recognize themselves in a mirror, a shiny __________ of glass.
(a) peace                         (b) piece                           (c) pies

  1. Decide which spelling option is correct? Circle A, B, C, or D.

1.     A acquintance                  B acquaintance     
C acqueintance                D aquientence

2.     A advertesement              B advertisment      
C advertisement               D advertsement

3.     A environment                  B enviroment                   
C enviromant                    D enviranment

4.     A handkerchiev                B handkerchief      
C handkarchiev                 D handkerchif

5.     A accomodation               B acomodation      
C acommodation              D accommodation

6.     A to vaccum                     B to vacumm         
C to vaccuum                   D to vacuum
7.     A to receive                      B to recieve           
C to receve                       D to recive

Next week we will put into practice this homophones' class and we will try to apply it in other situations. Have a good week. 

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