lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

ÓSCAR, MONDAY 20th APRIL, 18:15 - 19:15

Hello guys, how's everything?

Let's come to the point: today's task is pretty basic. We are gonna focus on pronunciation. In the following you're going to see up to 100 hundred words and its pronunciation, which usually lead to a mistake. Furthermore, the meaning appears along with the word. I'll ask you some of them on our next videocall.

But that's not all. Do you remember when we went over the collocations of make and do? Well, there are many more collocations in English with some other words, like take, give, go, etc. For some of them, you can rephrase or use other words, but some of them are very basic and restrictive. So, instead of learning every collocation in one go, we will learn some of them every week. We will start with GO:

Collocations en inglésCollocations en español
‘Go bankrupt’
'Go crazy'
‘Ir a la bancarrota’
'Volverse loco'
‘Go missing’
'Go to a gig'
‘Desaparecido/ Extraviado’
'Ir a un bolo (concierto)'
‘Go astray’‘Extraviarse/ Ir por mal camino’
‘Go bald’‘Quedarse calvo’
‘Go bad’‘Pudrirse/ Echarse a perder’
‘Go overseas’‘Irse al extranjero’
‘Go on foot’‘Ir a pie’ Ir andando’
‘Go quiet/ Silent’‘Ir tranquilo’
‘Go shopping’‘Ir a comprar’ (como puedes ver por ‘Do the shopping’, hay collocations en inglés con significados muy similares).

That's all, see you on wednesday!

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