martes, 28 de abril de 2020

ÓSCAR, 28th APRIL 2020, 16:15 - 17:15 and 18:15 - 19:15

Hello guys!

For this week I bring you something I think you will like. Have you heard of THE AVENGERS!?

Today, we will learn English and a lot of vocabulary with them. Please pay attention to the words in blue, it's the vocabulary I want you to learn *AND WE WILL GO OVER IT NEXT THURSDAY! Also, you can get an idea of what they're saying by looking at the images, but try not to use the dictionary on the first attempt.

*Chicos, mirad el video e intentad aprender y entender la mayoría, pero sobre todo las palabras en azul. Es fácil si veis las imágenes a la vez que el texto. Intentad NO USAR EL TRADUCTOR NI EL DICCIONARIO, al menos en el primer intento. Have fun!

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