lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

ÓSCAR, MONDAY 23th MARCH, 18:15 - 19:15

Hey there!

It's me again. I can imagine being at home all day can be very overwhelming (tell me), so we must try to keep our brain and body occupied. I can't help you with the second, but practicing some English can certainly help with the first one. So forgetting a while about Instagram won't kill you (probably).

First of all, before proceeding to today's topic, let me recommend a phone app. It's called 'House Party'. It's very simple. It's a video call app. However, as you're seeing your friend on the other side of the screen you can play games with him/her (OR THEM). It can be played by groups. I assure you, It's quite fun. I play it myself with some friends.

Turning to today's task, do you remember that time at the beginning of the year, when we analyzed Steve Job's speech at Stanford University? Now it's your turn, but today we'll be analyzing one by the great J.K. Rowling.


- First, pay attention to the subtitles [CC]. There can be tricky words that you won't understand.

-Write down those words you don't understand or you haven't heard before, and make your own glossary.

- Write below in the comments a brief summary of what you've understood or what has caught you most. Please, between 3 and 5 lines at least.

See you on Wednesday!

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